William Barr

Who Is Glenn Kirschner?

Kirschner is a former senior prosecutor. He started his career in the US Army and ended up running the homicide section in Washington DC.  He is currently teaching law at George Washington University. Those are impressive credentials, but a more relevant question today is who is paying this guy, or perhaps even more candidly, what has he been smoking?

Russiagate is a 100 percent fake story, Part III: The Brookings Institution and Ukraine [Video]

As our series continues, we briefly refer to the earlier parts of it: The first part of this series lays out the claim that we believe Russiagate to be a complete and total fabrication, mainly used by Democrats to damage or control President Trump, and also utilized by GOP people who wish to use it as a cover for their own Deep State activities, which are notably hostile to an increasingly Christian, traditionalist Russia.

The Ochelli Effect – High Finance Low Maxwell Smart

From Ochelli.com Mike and Chuck discussed the upcoming financial woes due to crash like a violent wave of punishment upon the shores of what was once America. How’s the virus treating you? Are you ready for another lockdown? Does anyone have the ability to predict what will come next? Pearse Redmond was the guest in […]

Will Barr Be The First Attorney General To Be Impeached? Or Is Pelosi Too Tired?

Pre-Trump, historians have considered the two worst Attorneys General to be Wilson's A. Mitchell Palmer and his successor, Harry Daugherty, who was appointed by Warren G. Harding and also served, briefly, under Calvin Coolidge. Daugherty, a career criminal, was complicit in the Teapot Dome Scandal and was indicted and tried twice, although shenanigans in the Justice department led to hung juries and dismissals.

William Barr's Department Of Crime And Corruption

Before Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered, King Henry II was heard shouting "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?" Ever since, tyrants have adapted the phrase to make themselves clear about having something wicked down without having to resort to specificity. When Trump was screaming for "his Roy Cohn," the zeitgeist puked up William Barr. Trump has been delighted ever since. And with good reason.Barr is destined to take his place, in the history books, along earlier Attorneys General like A.

Señor Trumpanzee: Your Law And Order President?

Fascist movements and fascist states are obsessed with "law and order," more order than law, until they pass their own laws. Now that the American Republican Party has passed the Rubicon into fascism, we can look back to the 1930s Nazi Party to find precedents for how William Barr runs the "Justice Department." Loyalty to the Führer and blind obedience was the cornerstone of Nazi law and order, Recht und Ordnung.