whoopi goldberg

­The Shaming and Punishment of Whoopi Goldberg: What Does It Say About US Society?

A couple of days after the public shaming and suspension punishment of Whoopi Goldberg for saying that “the Holocaust isn’t about race,” I combed the Internet to see if any Jewish leader would cut her some slack. Finally, I found one, Rabbi Sharon Brous of the Ikar community in Los Angeles. She tweeted, “If what […]

Whoopi Goldberg’s Loudest Critics are the Real Racists

Whoopi Goldberg's comments on the Holocaust were misguided and clumsy. But those exploiting the row are the ones with the ugly motives, namely the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) & corporate media outlets that vilified Amnesty International's report on Israeli apartheid.
The post Whoopi Goldberg’s Loudest Critics are the Real Racists appeared first on MintPress News.

No-Go Zone: Ottawa & Coutts Protests Intensifies, CNN's Zucker Resigns, Whoopi Goldberg Finds Out

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the latest in episode 89 of o-Go Zone.
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AOC Is Not Asking Permission To Be The Best Member Of Congress-- She's Just Being Herself

Early in the campaign Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called me on the phone to ask for a Blue America endorsement. We'd been looking for someone to take on Joe Crowley for a decade, so I knew Digby and Amato would agree that backing her was a good idea, even if her chance to actually win was practically non-existent against Queens Democratic Party Machine boss and "the next Speaker of the House." I told her we'd endorse her and help her raise money for the campaign but that she needed to work on name recognition and then take on Crowley again in 2020.

Whoopi Goldberg from The View Had a Meltdown when She Was Accused of Having ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’

Judge Pirro said that she was kicked off of the show and out of the building.  Whoopi blamed Donald Trump for the hatred that is dividing the country, while ignoring the media that is complicit in fanning the flames of discord, instead of pursuing understanding and tolerance. [...]

Fake news creates real reactions? If so, we are in worse shape than ever.

For the last week, the news headlines have been full of a new “scandal” regarding data mining and targeted ad campaigning based on that data. The parties involved were the Social Media giant Facebook and a group called Cambridge Analytica, a firm that built profiles of about fifty million Facebook users and used them for target political advertising.

DCCC-- Never Too Busy To Protect Paul Ryan's House Seat In Wisconsin-- It's In Their DNA Now

That’s an old Blue America radio spot we ran against Paul Ryan at some point in the distant past. As you may know, Randy Bryce isn’t the first Democrat to go up against Ryan. In 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006 Ryan's Democratic challenger was Jeffrey Thomas, a retired orthopedic surgeon from Ryan's hometown of Janesville. The Ryan-friendly Thomas' only issue for his first three runs was healthcare and he never quite cracked a third of the vote, but in 2006 he ran against Ryan's shady relationship with Republican corruptionists Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay and went all the way to 37%.