white nationalism

DHS ‘concerned’ over Nazis returning to US after fighting in Ukraine. Why isn’t the media?

US corporate media has provided glowing coverage to Paul Gray, a notorious American white nationalist fighting in Ukraine. A DHS document warns he’s not the only US fascist drawn to Kiev. As the United States undergoes a national mourning process over a spate of mass shootings, American white nationalists with documented histories of violence are attaining combat experience with advanced US-made weapons in a foreign proxy war. That’s according to the Department of Homeland Security, which has been gathering intelligence […]

Neo-Nazi Parties Swiftly Acquiring Power Throughout Europe by Slyly Posing as a “Third Way”

Neo-nazi parties are swiftly acquiring power as a “third way”—allegedly both anti-capitalist and anti-communist—but their secret agenda is state fascism. [This is the first part of a three part series—starting with Italy—exposing the links between newly ascendant European fascist movements, their covert alliances with the CIA, M16, NATO and a secret consortium of foreign intelligence […]

It's Okay To Be Anti-White - FF Ep85

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Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 85 of Flashback Friday.
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Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe above clip from The Villages, a Flor-i-duh retirement community, could easily run as an advertisement for FOX "News." It has all the elements: Golf carts, Trump 2020 signs, and Republican guys screaming "White Power. White Power!" All it's missing is Tucker Tiki Torch, Laura Ingraham throwing a few nazi salutes, and a Confederate or Nazi flag or two, or five.I am, in fact, shocked that the clip hasn't been running as an ad on FOX half-hourly since it first surfaced this weekend. And why did it surface?

Trump's Brown Shirts

There were gays, Hispanics, African-Americans, Jews, union members... even Muslims, who voted for Trump in 2016 and some of them plan to do so again next year. Are they all crazy? Ignorant? Stupid? Some thing like that. I always wanted to know-- but never found anything definitive-- how many Jews voted for Hitler in the 1932 presidential election and for Nazi Party in the Reichstag elections in 1932 and 1933. The elections in July and November of '32 and in March of 1933 led to the deaths of 6 million European Jews. Between 1932 and 1939 about 300,000 German Jews wisely fled the country.

Scratch The Surface Of Half The Republican Legislators In The Country And You'll Find... Matt Shea (R-WA)

Rep. Matt Shea (R, of course)Between Spokane and the Idaho border you'll find Washington's 4th legislative district. It's very rural. There's got to be a town there but I can't find one on the map, although... there was a post office of sorts in a town called Drygoon and in 1902 they changed the name from Drygoon to Colbert in honor of a postmaster named Harry Colbert.

Maybe Fox Should Extend Tucker Carlson's Exile To... Forever

Fox News sent Tucker Carlson away on a little unannounced vacation until the heat dies down on his white nationalist TV show. Most normal people didn't know Fox was running a nightly KKK rally in prime time until the media exploded in a frenzy about Carlson's claim that White Supremacy is nothing but a hoax, immediately after the white supremacist mass murders in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton.