Western imperialism

When the Torturer is the Savior: Can BRICS Help Us Escape the West’s Hegemony and Contradictions?

At the zenith of the mass protests in Egypt on January 25, 2011, Twitter, Facebook and other Western-based social media platforms appeared to be the most essential tools for the Egyptian Revolution. Though some observers later contested the use of the terms ‘Twitter Revolution’ or ‘Social Media Revolution,’ one cannot deny the centrality of these […]

The CIA, NATO and the US Empire with Aaron Good

Uncover the hidden truths behind America's empire as historian Aaron Good delves into the history of US dominance, the role of the CIA and NATO, and the looming challenge posed by China, revealing the fragile nature of America's military might and the power dynamics shaping our world.
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How the Western Leaders Destroyed the Muslim World:  We, the People and Revival of Colonization

The Arab word’s a veritable mess. The cosmic leadership deficit, the absence of legitimate institutions, the lack of transparency, disrespect for human rights, abysmal regard for gender equality, and too much conspiratorial thinking make it impossible to come to terms with the magnitude of the problems. In short, this region will remain broken, angry, and dysfunctional until the leaders who[Read More...]

Imperialism is Alive and Kicking, Resistance Needs More Unity

When Bhagat Singh and his colleague gave the slogan of ‘ Death to Imperialism’ , they were of course  more immediately concerned with British rule in India, but in addition,  of course, they were very  aware of the need for wider and even longer duration struggle against imperialism. In fact soon after the rapidly growing freedom struggles of several countries[Read More...]

 What Planet Is NATO Living On?

Written by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies The February meeting of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Defense Ministers, the first since President Biden took power, revealed an antiquated, 75-year-old alliance that, despite its military failures in Afghanistan and Libya, is now turning its military madness toward two more formidable, nuclear-armed enemies: Russia and China. This theme was emphasized[Read More...]

 The ‘humanitarian’ left still ignores the lessons of Iraq, Libya and Syria to cheer on more war

The instinct among parts of the left to cheerlead the right’s war crimes, so long as they are dressed up as liberal “humanitarianism”, is alive and kicking, as Owen Jones revealed in a column last week on the plight of the Uighurs at China’s hands. The “humanitarian war” instinct persists even after two decades of the horror shows that followed[Read More...]

Now West Should Sit On Its Backside, Shut Up, And Listen To “The Others”!

We were always told what to think; what is correct and what is wrong. By the white dudes living in or coming from Europe and North America. They knew everything. They were the most qualified. When I write “white,” I don’t mean just their race or color of their skin. To me, “white” is their culture, where they belong. Yes,[Read More...]