Western Civilisation

The Problem With Jordan Peterson’s Anti-Woke Davos Was its Air of Surrender

The problem with Jordan Peterson's 'anti-woke Davos' ARC conference was its air of surrender, says J Sorel. "The unspoken assumption behind most of the speeches was that a flight to the hills would be necessary."
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Smug Celebrities and the Virtue-Signalling Left Are the Biggest Threat to Western Civilisation

We have reached a point of madness where Left-wingers in the West now seem to support groups, however barbaric, to signal their contempt for our civilisation, says Professor Doug Stokes in the Mail.
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TRUMP, 2017: Decoding the Bizarre, Bleak Inauguration of ‘God’s Chosen Leader’…

So Inauguration Day in Washington came across as a decidedly odd, even slightly unsettling, affair: which is perhaps the only fitting end-point for what has been a decidedly odd, even slightly unsettling, presidential race. It also seemed to affirm my fears that we’re falling deeper into a bad place. What was most striking about the […]

The Life & Death of AUGUSTUS: 2,000 Years of Man, Myth & Reality…

Augustus is without doubt one of the most fascinating figures of history; and also one of the ancient historical figures we know most about because he left such clear marks on the world: politically, religiously, even physically. He wanted everyone to know who he was, when he lived and what he did. I started writing […]