wealth inequality

 More than Covid-19, inequality killed many

Govt raising burden on a large section of people, while easing taxes on super-rich On June 10, 2008, the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization. On November 26, 2007, the UN General Assembly declared that 20th February will be celebrated every year as the World Day of Social Justice, also known[Read More...]

Economic Recovery Should be Led by Greater Equality

by Bharat Dogra and Kumar Gautam An issue of increasing worldwide concern is that more people have been pushed into poverty and deprivation in COVID times, negating years of progress and promise. In this context, the need for equality-led economic recovery is being increasingly emphasized and engaging a lot of attention of economists and policy-makers. This need is even more[Read More...]

One Billion Dollars Per Day—This is what the top 10 billionaires of USA have been adding to their wealth in pandemic times

In recent times several justice studies have pointed out how the wealth of top billionaires of world have increased at a very fast pace. But the latest estimate presented on January 19 by the organisation Americans for Tax Fairness has still proved shocking for many people. This estimate tells us that the wealth of top 10 US billionaires has increased[Read More...]

Dominance by Billionaires Leads India’s Highway to Record Levels of Inequality

  While a drift towards increasing inequality is by itself very harmful for a country which already has high levels of poverty and deprivation, this situation has been worsened further in some countries by increasing dominance of billionaires and the extremely  extra-ordinary increase of their wealth within a short time, particularly since the advent of the pandemic. At world level,[Read More...]

Rapidly growing economic inequalities in India

On January 16, 2022, Oxfam, a non-profit organization, released a report on the rapidly growing economic inequalities in the world ahead of the 50th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The findings of the report on the rapidly growing economic inequalities in India show that the country’s wealth is being rapidly grabbed by billionaires and  the common man[Read More...]

Oxfam report reveals malignant dependency of the pandemic on capitalist inequality

This week, Oxfam published a major report in advance of the annual World Economic Forum Davos Agenda. Coming as society enters the third year of the pandemic, the Oxfam briefing expresses an undeniable reality: the COVID-19 pandemic is a malignant byproduct of a society that is deeply ill with the disease of social inequality. Entitled “Inequality Kills,” the Oxfam report[Read More...]

Arise, Pandemic Profiteers

History’s annals are filled with war profiteers and hustlers for the opportunistic return.  They come in the form of hoarders, arms manufacturers and wily business folk making a steal on slaughter and mayhem.  But the other conflict – that of battling a pandemic – has also shown that profits exist for those willing to exploit the crisis. With the global[Read More...]

Oxfam report highlights widening pandemic inequality in Asia

A report issued by the British-based international aid agency Oxfam last week has highlighted the rapid escalation of economic and social inequality in the Asia-Pacific region during the COVID-19 pandemic, documenting how a handful of the ultra-wealthy have directly benefited from the suffering of millions. The investigation found that 20 new “pandemic billionaires” had been created over the past two[Read More...]

Oxfam report “Inequality Kills”: Billionaires racked up wealth while millions died during the pandemic

The global charity Oxfam released a briefing on Monday entitled “Inequality Kills” in advance of the World Economic Forum State of the World conference being held virtually January 17-21. In focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic, the document paints a devastating picture of the world capitalist order. It shows that the unprecedented accumulation of wealth by the world’s billionaire elite is[Read More...]

Billionaires increased wealth by $3.6 trillion in 2020, as millions died from global pandemic

The World Inequality Report 2022, released by the global research initiative World Inequality Lab, found that the COVID-19 pandemic has widened the financial gap between the rich and poor to a degree not seen since the rosy days of world imperialism at the turn of the 20th century. The world’s billionaires enjoyed the steepest increase in their share of wealth[Read More...]