The Washington Post

The Mainstream Media’s ‘Victimhood’ Complex

The Washington Post’s front page displaying it’s new motto: “Democracy dies in darkness.”
It’s heartwarming that The New York Times and The Washington Post are troubled that President Trump is loosely throwing around accusations of “fake news.” It’s nice and that they now realize that truth does not reliably come from the mouth of every senior government official or from every official report.

Mainstream Assumptions: The CIA, Presidential Elections, and the Russian Connection

By Binoy Kampmark | Dissident Voice | December 15, 2016 Intent and causation are important features in the course of history. The former envisages motive and hope, irrespective of outcome; the latter envisages consequence. Often, these get muddled in the jumbled process of reasoning. An intervention in the affairs of another state goes awry; a […]