War Industry

Social Formation

1. The overview If you often ask yourself “How can people believe those lies and deceptions?” when facts clearly indicate them to be untrue, you are not alone.  If you ask how so-called leaders can get away with a policy that guarantees disastrous, anti-human consequences, you are not alone either. In order to examine these […]
The post Social Formation first appeared on Dissident Voice.

WAR Is The Crime, Not How It Is Committed!

While the bluster about cluster bombs covers the subject of murder with liberal prattle about how it’s committed, one of humanity’s oldest but ever more dangerous problems continues as a major profit creator while adding to humanity’s losses. Hairs are split over how skulls are shredded and bodies made unrecognizable as though its all okay […]

Why The Most Urgent Need, in Order to Prevent WW III, Is to End All Military Alliances Now

World Wars I and II were contests between empires, and so America’s President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was determined that after WW II, all empires would be outlawed and all international relations (between nations) would be controlled only by a global all-inclusive federation of nations, which in 1941 he referred to would be called “the […]

MEP Mick Wallace: “What are the working-class people of Ukraine dying for?” 

US neoconservatives like Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken are using Ukraine as the linchpin of their strategy to undermine and destabilise Russia.   Since the start of the conflict in February 2022, billions of dollars’ worth of military hardware has been sent to Ukraine by the EU. By late February 2023, it had forwarded […]

The Absolute Worst People on Earth: War Profiteers?

Ahh, the lords of war, and the companies’ stocks going up up up. Look at these thieves, Lockhead Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Northrup Grumman. Ahh, petal mines dropped by Ukraine forces on the Donbass: “The West is silent as Ukraine targets civilians in Donetsk using banned ‘butterfly’ mines” by Eva Bartlett (Posted Aug 18, 2022) […]
The post The Absolute Worst People on Earth: War Profiteers? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

When you “support the troops,” here’s what you’re really endorsing

The U.S. military has launched 469 foreign interventions since 1798, including 251 since the end of the first cold war in 1991, according to official Congressional Research Service data. Please take 16 minutes to watch this: As MLK once said: “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: My own government, I cannot be silent.” […]

War Porn, Blue Bloods, and Fathers (and sons)

This is a rite of passage that needs to go the way of the Dodo. Mercenaries, and now, we have a blue blood son, grandson to Robert Kennedy, heading out to Ukraine with some sad sack ideas about what he in the name of Hell is going to do in that country? Yep, RFK Jr., […]
The post War Porn, Blue Bloods, and Fathers (and sons) first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Food and Toilets: The Collective West’s Weapons

One of several multiple million criminals, but he keeps on ticking like that Times watch: My previous post, “Incredible, Unbearable, Incomprehensible Lightness of Wanting to Be Human . . . That Way!” was much more holistically positive, but we need to talk straight sometimes. Is this even on a scale of what is inhumane, or […]
The post Food and Toilets: The Collective West’s Weapons first appeared on Dissident Voice.

War Crimes, Mental Molestation and Language Rape

The incredible market for human slaughter called war existed thousands of years ago but it was a corner grocery store compared to the multi-trillion dollar moral sewer that represents modern mass murder. Part of what enables imperial and even lesser powers to slaughter at will is a rule book drawn up long ago when there […]
The post War Crimes, Mental Molestation and Language Rape first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The people of Yemen Suffer Atrocities, too

WFP food distribution in Raymah (credit: Julian Harneis CC BY-SA 2.0) The United Nations’ goal was to raise more than $4.2 billion for the people of war-torn Yemen by March 15. But when that deadline rolled around, just $1.3 billion had come in. “I am deeply disappointed,” said Jan Egeland, the secretary general of the […]
The post The people of Yemen Suffer Atrocities, too first appeared on Dissident Voice.