War on Christmas

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahEvery Christmas, far right loons like the barely coherent smug fratboy Tucker Carlson and screaming banshee Jeanine Pirro go on endless bitch-a-thons about towns across America that have stopped displaying Nativity scene creches on public property. The righties wring their hands, play their worn to a frazzle victim cards and cry that their "religious beliefs" are under attack.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahRepublicans like to think they own Christmas, just as they feel entitled to own everything else. To them, it's their world and how dare anyone else want in, especially if that anyone wants to move into their neighborhood. Republicans also love to play the victim card. They love to feel all abused. Their made up "War On Christmas" is a classic example of that.