US Travel Ban

Lawsuits Filed Challenging Trump’s Muslim Ban

At least two lawsuits were filed Monday (Jan. 30) against against President’s Trump’s Friday’s “Muslim ban” executive order. In Seattle, Washington, State Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that he is challenging President Donald Trump’s executive order banning Muslim immigrants and refugees, calling it unconstitutional and asking for a temporary restraining order. In Washington DC, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)[Read More...]

Trump’s Entry Ban: Linked To The Neo-Con Agenda?

President Donald Trump’s ban on nationals from 7 Muslim majority countries in West Asia and North Africa (WANA) entering the United States of America for a period of 90 days has brought to the fore the role and influence of some of the forces that shape US foreign policy in the region. With the exception of one country, the Trump[Read More...]

Trump Defies Mass Protests Against Anti-immigrant Measures

Protests against the Trump administration’s executive order banning travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries and all refugees spread across the country on Sunday, as the Homeland Security Department and immigration authorities continued to detain men, women and children denied entry to the US on the basis of the illegal executive order issued Friday by the new president. Tens of thousands gathered[Read More...]

Chaos At The Airports: Blocking Trump’s Executive Order

The diary of this particular US administration is bound to be heavy with incident.  Executive orders are now coming out of the Trump administration at pace, and the question of whether they will compel obedience or not looms.  In many parts of the US, the answers have already been determined in advance. As ever, it is the US legal system[Read More...]