United Nation

Greta: The New Religion is the Old Religion – Jay Dyer / JimBob

MadeByJimbob rejoins me to discuss the new religion being the old religion. He made a great cartoon of me chatting with Stefan, which was based. We will cover philosophy, ultimate principles, logic, religion, satire, social justice, Greta and more. Tonight at 10 PM EST 
He is best known through his popular Instagram.

US Officially Accuses Iran of Violating UN Security Council Resolutions

(MEMO) — US UN envoy Nikki Haley slammed Iran Wednesday ahead of a UN Security Council meeting, Anadolu reports. "The United States will not allow #Iran’s violations and destructive actions to go unchecked, and we urge members of the Security Council to do the same. The evidence in this latest report shows us all too clearly the consequences of […]

PPR Bonus Podcast episode 8 Ng Lap Seng trial and UN Bribery with Matthew Russell Lee

This month I am joined once again by Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press. Matthew and I discuss the outcome of the Ng Lap Seng United Nations bribery case which saw six guilty verdicts. Matthew explains how this Macau based billionaire was involved in bribing UN officials such as former head of the General Assembly John Ashe, as well as fronting the money for a veritable fake news outlet South South News. We talk about many of the intricacies of the case including Ng Lap Seng’s connections to Bill Clinton.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 57 Matthew Russell Lee – Corruption and Control at the UN

Today I am joined by the founder of Inner City Press, Matthew Russell Lee, to discuss his investigative work inside the United Nations. Matthew and I begin by discussing his recent expulsion from the UN after his persistent work on the John Ashe UN corruption scandal. Matthew explains how Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng, in conjunction with former UN ambassador Frank Lorenzo, was involved in one of the largest ongoing corruption scandals at the UN. We also discuss the symbiotic relationship between corruption, media censorship and UN atrocities around the world.