
Trump-Bidens-Russia-Ukraine: A systemic interpretation

Submitted by InfoBrics, authored by Padraig McGrath, political analyst…
On December 23rd, the Washington Post ran a piece exploring the possible motivations behind US president Donald Trump’s decision to pause US military aid to Ukraine on July 12th last year. On September 28th 2018 and February 16th respectively, President Trump had signed into law 2 bills from Congress which approved a combined $391 million in military aid to Ukraine, including the provision of lethal weaponry.

Gingrich on Impeachment: Senate, McConnell Will Let Dems ‘Be Stupid’

(WASHINGTON DC) – Incredibly, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday that she would not be sending the articles of impeachment over to the Senate, saying that she would like a say in how the Senate Trial is going to be run, insisting that she wants to be sure it’s ‘fair’ for Democrats – indicting the partisan nature of this entire debacle.

Tulsi Gabbard Defies Democrat Party Whip, Votes ‘Present’ on Trump Impeachment

(WASHINGTON DC) – Last night, Hawaii Congresswoman and presidential candidate, Tulsi Gabbard defied House Leader Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party whip by voting “present” on two articles of impeachment being brought against President Donald Trump over alleged ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ regarding White House relations with ally Ukraine.

Hidden Evidence Regarding Ukrainegate

On November 22nd, a 100-page Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) data-dump was made by the U.S. Department of State, to the Democratic-Party-aligned nonprofit “American Oversight,” which had been founded in March 2017 by liberals (really by the main billionaires who fund the Democratic Party) after the 2016 Democratic electoral defeat (to Republican billionaires). The now Republican-headed U.S.

Giuliani Reveals Evidence of Yovanovitch, Biden Corruption in Ukraine

In a recent media segment, Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, who has recently returned from Ukraine, claims to have new evidence of Obama era corruption involving senior US officials. He believes that recent impeachment efforts by Democrats are merely part of a politicized ‘cover-up’ designed to conceal massive money laundering and bribery scandals which were allowed to take place under the gaze of then Vice President Joe Biden.

Maxine Waters on RussiaGate: ‘I Believe, Even Though I Don’t Have the Facts’

This week, Maxine Waters (D-CA), chair of the Congressional Financial Services Committee, took to the airwaves on CNN to further doubled-down on the widely held evidence-free conspiracy theory that US President Donald Trump was elected by the Russians, and that Russia ‘hacked’ into US election systems and into the DNC servers. Bizarrely, Waters opened up her soliloquy with the caveat, “I believe, even though I don’t have the facts to prove it,” before concluding her monologue with,“Those are facts.”