Trump's Swamp

Elliot Broidy-- One Of The Worst Trumpists America Has Offered The World-- Has Agreed To An Inconsequential Guilty Plea Covering Up His Real Crimes-- And Trump's

  It seems this case should have closed years ago-- but this isn't a TV show like The Balcklist and well-connected, crooked multimillionaires have a way of drawing these things out forever. No doubt Broidy expects to be eventually pardoned by Trump. Broidy is going to plead guilty to relatively minor crimes involved in failure to disclose that he was a lobbyist attempting to stop a US criminal investigation into a multi-billion dollar fraud at a Malaysian investment fund, while protecting Trump and the Mercer family from far more serious charges involving the Saudis and Emeratis.

Remember The Swamp? Trump Fished Louis DeJoy Out Of It To Run The Post Office (Into The Ground)

Can this crooked, rich, ugly man with an obscene watch give Trump 4 more years via the USPS?Louis DeJoy personally contributed over a million dollars to the NRC and to Trump's campaign, $32,300 to the North Carolina Republican Party, tens of thousands more to Republican congressional candidates and thousands to official Republican Party committees in Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, Arizona, Minnesota, Iowa,

The Trump Swamp Rears Its Ugly Head Again-- Elliott Broidy

I believe the first time I heard of Elliott Broidy was when the NY Times revealed him to be working with a very right-wing shady Mercer family SuperPAC, Secure America Now (SAN), which Broidy was using to leverage the Trump regime into filling key positions with individuals favorable to-- meaning, like Broidy himself, bought off by-- the Saudi and UAE governments. Mercer was one of just 4 uber-wealthy far-right and very crooked contributors providing SAN with the millions of dollars it needed for its entirely nefarious projects.

On A Scale Of 1 To 10, Would You Agree That The Pure Evil Embodied By Erik Prince Is A Million? A Billion?

Forget for a moment that Erik was inculcated at any early age into treason and evil by his older sister, Betsy DeVos. Instead, just recall that over 2 decades ago Prince set up Blackwater-- an international mercenary operation-- that has been lobbying for war ever since... and getting billions of dollars in U.S.

Trump's Swamp Is Worse Than Even Harding's And Grant's Administrations Combined!

Last year USA Today columnist Paul Brandus reminded his readers that "We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant. We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G.