Trump's popularity

Journalists' Unique Role In Resisting The Fascist Take-Over

Team Trump is going around the world telling people to ignore what Trump himself says. When the cameras are rolling, the Trumpists are just delivering an alternative message-- the opposite of what Trump says on a wide range of topics. When the cameras aren't rolling, they've been letting European leaders know that what Trump says for domestic consumption is just to placate or arouse his feeble-minded and drugged up fans and that most of it isn't related to actual American policy goals.

You Can Now Bet Money That Trump Will Be Impeached-- Real Money, Not Bit-Coins-- And Bye-Bye, Michael Flynn

According to the latest Gallup tracking poll only 40% of Americans approve of the job that Trump is doing, while 55% disapprove. That 55% has been growing every week since Trump was sworn in. The numbers are unprecedented. He's the most disliked newly inaugurated president in American history.

Corrupt Congressional Conservatives Are Making Their Move To Unleash Wall Street Predators On Society Again

Are you stunned to see Trump's sinking poll numbers? You should be. A newly elected president has never had a reaction from the country like his. His first week in office and 35% of Americans already thought he should be impeached. That rose to 40% last week and then 46% this week!

Turning The Supreme Court Into A Bastion Of Fascism

PPP released new polling this morning. A majority of Americans wish Obama was still president. And where last week, everyone was stunned that 35% of the country were already hoping Trump would be impeached, in just 7 days, that number has already increased to 40%! Only 43% of Americans are glad Trump is president. (The polling didn't ask about it but evidence is that Trump's strongest support comes from the counties with the heaviest prescription drug abuse and opioid addiction.

We're Entering The New Year With The Worst President Ever-- What Do Americans Think About That?

Now Trump is whining/tweeting that Obama isn’t helping make it as smooth a transition as he expected. In the early 1930s German Chancellor Heinrich Brüning's agenda was typical austerity claptrap— and, predictably— it wasn’t working… except for Hitler, whose Nazi party rose in popularity by opposing it.