Trump's foreign policy

Is Trump Destroying-- Or Has He Already Destroyed-- U.S. Foreign Policy And Trade Consensus?

The week started with Señor Trumpanzee announcing an expansion of his trade war antics against Brazil, Argentina and France (and its only Wednesday!)-- followed by grandstanding self-destructive nonsense about trade with China that caused domestic and world markets to crash.Bloomberg reporters Derek Wallbank and

Did Mr. "I Brought All The Troops Home" Invade Syria Yesterday?

You'd think someone would have mentioned it. Oh, CNN did. Saturday morning a convoy of between a dozen and two dozen military vehicles left northern Iraq and crossed into Syria's Deir Ezzor region to either prevent the recently escaped ISIS prisoners from taking over the Syrian oil fields, or seizing the fields. There seems to be a lot of confusion. NPR Middle East corespondent Greg Myre on the contradictory statements from the Trump Regime: "Some have left, but some are still there. And their mission seems to have changed. They're going to be protecting the oil.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahIn precipitating the freeing of ISIS prisoners and their families, President Trump has given the entire world as clear of a picture into his utterly insane mind as he ever has. I've always said that Trump is clearly the president who hates all living things. At no time has this been more evident. Trump is a psychopathic death worshiper. That is a fact that way too many people continue and continue to tiptoe around.

Orange-Hued Crazy Asshole Threatens To Nuke Afghanistan

Trump has always been physical coward. President Obama isn't-- and he visited American fighting men and women in Afghanistan... four timesI spent a lot of my life on the road, living abroad, traveling, working, exploring...  People always ask me what my favorite place to visit was. I can never just come up with one. But if it could only be 3...