trump rally

Porkins Policy Radio episode 161 Sam Spadino on Trump Daddy Issues and Kanye West with War Criminals

Comedian and activist Sam Spadino joined me this week. We spoke about his latest attempt to ask Donald Trump the simple question, “Who is Jeffrey Epstein”? Sam talked about his arrest at a Trump rally in Rochester, Minnesota. He talked about actually happened and set the record straight. We discussed his time in jail and the the charges brought against him which include resisting arrest and trespassing. Sam also discussed his two conversations with the Secret Service.

Wisconsin Teen Girl Pepper Sprayed at Trump Rally, After Throwing Punch, By Man With Red Hat (UPDATED)

A 15-year old girl at a Trump rally was pepper sprayed in the face, after tossing a jab at someone off-camera, while surrounded by a horde of Wisconsin supporters of the Republican candidate for President.
As you can see in the video below, numerous other people recorded the incident at a political rally in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Now, local authorities are seeking to identify the person wielding the pepper spray.
He wasn’t the guy punched.

Kansas Trump Rally Supporter Declares Racial Holy War, Says “Go To Auschwitz” to Dutch Journalist

A Kansas Trump rally supporter declared, “RaHoWa” an anti-semetic word coined in 1987 meaning Racial Holy War” to a Dutch journalist, and repeated it before revealing his true intentions to a non-white supremacist as you can see as the video shows in under 18 seconds down below.
The still unidentified Trump supporter told the semetic-looking journalist from northern Europe to “Go To Auschwitz” twice as he departed the rally.