Trump flip flops

Everybody Sees Trump As A Conman Now, But Every Side Wants To Blame The Other Side

#NeverTrump conservatives feel vindicated... even vaguely brilliant and heroic. They said all along that Trump has always been a political opportunist who's never believed in anything but himself. Great... but I don't know anyone who didn't know that all along. Yes, Trump has always been a con man. Who could have missed that?

China Is As Successful As A Trump Manipulator As It's Been As A Currency Manipulator

Today MSNBC's morning mental midget show celebrated Señor Tumpanzee discarding virtually the entire electoral platform he used to lure morons into voting for him-- and yes, I admit it; I do feel everyone and anyone who voted for Trump is a moron-- and if that makes you feel bad, I'm not sorry-- time to face the music and go back to school or get a tutor or something. And no, there are no exceptions. If you voted for Trump, you are a moron.

If He'll Sell Them Out On Xenophobia, Can Trump's Fans Trust Him On Anything At All?

Despite all the hubbub in recent days, Team Trumpanzee isn't grappling for a coherent immigration policy, just a p.r. approach that can appease suburban voters who shun overt racism, xenophobia and gratuitous viciousness while not turning off Trump's base among racists, xenophobes and the gratuitously vicious. Republican Party operative Stuart Stevens hasn't been impressed. He referred to the Trumpanzee Campaign as "utter chaos [and] a smash and grab operation, not a campaign." The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has always remained neutral in presidential races-- until this year.

Who Will Protect Social Security From Paul Ryan? Not Trump-- And Not Any Corrupt Conservatives From Either Party

Over the weekend, the NY Times speculated that the "early optimism" in the Clinton camp for an easy landslide win against a Trump campaign weighed down with so much baggage "is evaporating." The hopeless party hacks and mercenary lobbyists who control her dull, utterly conventional campaign have no idea how to fight Trump.

Is America Really Ready For A Con Artist As President-- One As Blatant As Trump?

It's not like all of his Republican rivals haven't mentioned over the course of the primary campaign that Trump is a con man. They did. But now, whether tribally or opportunistically, most of them want to force that con man onto the country. Is it hard for you to imagine that the majority of Republican political leaders would put their party first and the country last?

And You Thought Romney Was A Serial Flip-Flopper? Meet The Donald

Anyone who's watched this season's dysfunctional Republican primary reality show-- Herr Trumpf vs the (Not Very) Deep Bench-- understands that Trump has, in the words of McCain top staffer Mark Salter, "an unstable personality." Once Trump sewed up the nomination Salter, a lifelong Republican, decided to support Hillary, although, when questioned, he said h