Trump Ethics

The Drumbeat To Rid The EPA Of Scott Pruitt Is The Loudest I Ever Heard

Friday evening the Washington Post ran an editorial, Scott Pruitt Is Unfit To Serve. That should surprise anyone. He was unfit to serve as Oklahoma Attorney General and many people think he was Trump’s worst cabinet pick, or tied for worst with Betsy DeVos. But he’s getting hammered not for his earth-destroying agenda but for his swampy ethical problems. He thinks he’s president or king and behaves that way.

Nurturing The Swamp... Making It More Dangerous And Powerful

Feeling vaguely sickened by the parade of Wall Street predators Trump has recruited as a cabinet? Did you expect something different? Trump is a man who will be in violation of the Constitution immediately upon taking office since his business empire has a steady flow of money coming if from a myriad of foreign sources, many of which are connected to foreign governments or from individuals connected to foreign governments. That concern is discussed in the video above by Norman Eisen, a co-founder of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the former U.S.

As Well As A Kakistocracy, Is The U.S. Now Officially A Kleptocracy As Well? (And NY's Shadiest Address)

The whole notion of Trump and "ethics" just doesn't mix. In his word, ethical concerns are for suckers and ethical codes are part of the hated and derided political correctness he and his supporters so detest. On some level, though, the NY Times and "polite society" are sitll looking at him through a prism of normalcy. Over the weekend, there was a lot of discussion of Trump's obvious conflicts of interest.

Fighting Back Against Trumpism In Political Arena-- Don't Count On The Senate Democrats, Let Alone The Senate Republicans

If someone wants you to send money to support Foster Campbell in Louisiana, they want you to waste your money. Trump beat Clinton in that state 58.1% to 38.4%. The top vote-getter in the Senate election that day-- there were 2 dozen candidates-- was John Kennedy (R). He took 25% of the vote. The second most votes went to Democrat Foster Campbell (17.5%).