Trump cabinet

TRUMP’S White House In-Waiting, Part II: Dangerous or Just Misunderstood…?

Following on from considering the symbolic (and the actual) disparity of a millionaire/billionaire cabal with shared business interests governing – supposedly – for the well-being of ordinary and even economically disadvantaged people, we then look naturally to see what kind of people these are, what they believe in and what sort of world-view they bring […]

TRUMP’S White House In-Waiting, Part I: Corporate Strike Back & the Coup of the 1%…

Now that the electoral college has has confirmed Trump’s presidency and his inauguration approaches, I wanted to address the shape of the incoming Trump administration, the dangers, the sensibilities. And why there is legitimate, palpable reason for concern and anxiety that isn’t anything to do with being ‘liberal elite’ or ‘lib-tard’ or whatever dumb labels anti-progressives […]