
Yemen: Hodeida Truce in New Hands as UN Replaces Biased and Ineffective Monitor

SANA’A, YEMEN — The newly-appointed head of the United Nations mission to monitor Yemen’s truce agreement between the Houthis and the U.S.-backed Saudi coalition, Danish  Lt. Gen. Michael Anker Lollesgaard, arrived in Yemen’s capital Sana’a on Tuesday, along with a five-member team, to assume his duty in the country’s Red Sea port city of Hodeida. Lollesgaard succeeds retired Maj. Gen. Patrick Cammaert.

In Hodeida – A Truce is Called but Saudi Coalition Attacks Continue

HODEIDA, YEMEN — Inside Hodeida, the scene is reminiscent of a maximum-security prison as Saudi-led coalition watchtowers colored in the somber gray of an overcast sky are lit by an array of lanterns amid the city’s rolling blackouts. At night, Hodeida becomes a city of ghosts and at sunrise survivors rise from the rubble of their homes, offices, and stores with a satisfied half-smile of survival.