
Britain’s Politically Correct Police Are Humiliated

We in Britain are constantly being reminded about our wonderful freedoms, especially freedom of speech, and by the same token how repressive are Iran, China, and many other countries by comparison. People who make these claims are stupid, ill-informed, or simply lying. Free speech has been under constant attack in Britain since at least the early 1920s, certainly as far as “nationalism” is concerned, and in recent years, attacks on free speech in other areas have increased dramatically as well.

NHS, hostage to the Mentally Ill

NHS psychologists are over-prescribing sex change treatment for children. They call it “treatment,” but in fact it’s not proven to treat anything. It’s just a baseless procedure. Allegedly, these psychologists fear being called transphobic if they don’t comply. In the last three years, 35 psychologists in London have been pressured to resign over this issue of being coerced into prescribing hormone treatment for children with gender dysphoria.