traces of reality

TOR Radio: Here’s What Will Set Newsbud Apart from Other Alternative Media Outlets (Pearse Redmond & Sibel Edmonds)

From Traces of Reality:
On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Sibel Edmonds, editor and publisher of Boiling Frogs Post, and Pearse Redmond, host of Porkins Policy Radio, to discuss the new media venture Newsbud. Sibel, Pearse, and Guillermo explain what sets Newsbud apart from the rest of the alternative media, and why a 100 percent reader-supported outlet is vitally necessary in today’s media landscape.

Porkins Policy radio ep. 32 After Iguala: Reorganizing the narco chessboard

On this week’s episode Traces of Reality’s contributing editor Danny Benavides joins us once again to discuss the mass disappearance in Iguala, narco-cartel reorganization and the prospect for a “Mexican Spring.”  We begin the conversation by discussing what actually transpired last September in the city of Iguala, in southern Mexico.  Danny explains  who the Normalista students are and why, in fact, they were in Iguala.  Danny and I explore the complex web of connections and familial relations between Iguala Mayor Jose Luis Abarca, his wife Maria d