toxicity of Donald Trump

Trump Has Led The GOP Into A Death Spiral-- Last Night Was Just A Taste Of What's Coming

This morning, Aaron Blake noted at the Washington Post that "When President Trump was elected, he promised the GOP that they would win so much they would get tired of it. But for a third successive election year since then, the Republican Party has walked away the loser." Also this morning a top Democratic congressional staffer told me that she spoke to "two different Republican Hill staffers who have expressed serious concerns with how badly last night went for them.

The Likely Big Loser In Tomorrow's Elections: Donald J. Trumpanzee

I don't know much about Democratic strategist Kevin Walling other than he was one of the founders of-- and the first political director for-- the right-of-center Inside-the-beltway group No Labels-- and that he is often called upon by right-wing media to play the role of "the Democrat," particularly on Fox New, Fox Business News, Newsmax and the neo-Nazi One America News Network (OAN).

How Many Senate Seats Will Trump's Toxicity Cost The GOP? Could Be A Solid 5, Maybe 6.

Cory Gardner got a free plane ride, but... there are no free plane ridesThere's little doubt at this point that the House is going to impeach Trump. There may even be a handful of House Republicans-- in swing districts where Trump is loathed-- who vote with the Democrats. But then... the Senate's red wall of injustice.

Democrats Aren't Just Going To Hold Their House Majority-- They're Going To Expand It... By A Lot. Thank Trump, Not Cheri

South Carolina Blue Dog freshman Joe Cunningham chose to vote with the Republicans for his entire first term. Will any amount of money save him in an R+10 district?Last year, the pundits and Beltway prognosticators who take Nate Silver seriously did the same thing they're doing this year.

Maine GOP Senator Collins Never Much Cared For Trump-- And His Toxicity Is About To End Her Career

Republicans in states or districts that are so red that they don't need independent voters to win, have no problem continuing to support Trump. At least in theory, the states where Republicans can win without significant independent support are these half dozen red hellholes (with their PVIs):

Carly Fiorina Knows Trump Is Toxic For Congressional Republicans But Doesn't Say How Many Seats They'll Lose-- Here Are Around 40

Trump and his dumb-ass followers call mainstream media "fake news," although generally not Trump-TV (AKA, Fox News). And he watches Trump TV all day. So what do you think he thought of this day in the middle of his insanity about how only 25% of voters want him impeached? "Just over half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a Fox News Poll released Wednesday.