Time Magazine

Last chance! [And this time they really, really, mean it]

ClimateChangePredictions | October 30, 2015 The United Nations Climate Change Conference is having its 21st meeting in Paris towards the end of 2015. (Hence COP21 or conference of parties) We’ve been told this is the ‘last effective opportunity’ to keep global warming to ‘a limit safe for humanity.’ However we are reassured by the fact […]

MH-17 Yet Again, Poring Over the Data (and Translations); Serious Factual Errors by Time and Western Media

By Mike “Mish” Shedlock | Global Economic Trend Analysis | October 7, 2015 For most, the shoot-down of flight MH-17 over Ukraine is a forgotten memory. Western media has continually trumped up one of three stories. Russian-backed rebels did it Russia did it Russian-backed rebels did it with Russia’s help The extent to which Western […]