Teddy Roosevelt

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahFor President's Day: Teddy Roosevelt, like Lincoln and Eisenhower, was a Republican. All three are in the conversation when it comes to the discussion of who makes the list of our greatest presidents. That alone is a wonder in the world of 2018. They weren't faultless as human beings or as presidents, but they were men with souls and some sense of decency and vision for the future of their country.

Location Location Location: The Unintended Symbolism of the White House Haft-Sîn

White House Nowruz, 2015 By Nima Shirazi | Wide Asleep In America | April 8, 2016 This week, Michelle Obama hosted the second annual White House Nowruz, a celebration of the Iranian New Year. Though a relatively apolitical affair, the placement of the reception’s traditional haft-sîn, however, should have raised some eyebrows. Nowruz, which literally […]

Once There Were No Primaries-- And The Party Bosses Just Picked The Presidential Nominees

There dream of the Republican establishment this year-- stopping Herr Trumpf and the hated Ted Cruz with a deadlocked, brokered convention-- looks pretty moribund at this point. It looks like Trumpf is on the way to be able to march into Cleveland with all the delegates he needs for a first-ballot nomination. And the Establishment seems resigned to convincing themselves that the world is wonderful because at least they won't have to deal with Cruz. But deep in their hearts I bet they're longing for another era, when party bosses picked presidential candidates, not primaries and caucuses.

No More Teddy Roosevelts in The GOP-- and Too Few Franklin Roosevelts Among The Beltway Democrats

Last night I was watching a PBS showing of Ken Burns' The Roosevelts-- An Intimate History, when J.P. Morgan's ugly mug popped up on the screen. A social parasite who our political elites failed to protect society from, Morgan blurted out, "I owe the public nothing" ... which is pretty much the way Wall Street still feels. Today's Republicans are not Teddy Roosevelt and they are not going to hold to fire to the feet of predators like Morgan. Alas, neither are most Beltway Democrats.

Three Who Made a War

The Spanish-American War was caused by three people: Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge, and William Randolph Hearst. The war, which killed a number of Spaniards and Americans, including some prominent Harvard “Swells,” was based entirely on lies and machinations of these three men and served no purpose other than their personal needs. Princeton University historian Evan Thomas calls these three monsters The War Lovers.