tax shelters

Study: Billionaires That Donated to Gates-Buffet Giving Pledge Now Richer Than Ever

A study released by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) through its Program on Inequality and the Common Good, titled “Gilded Giving 2020: How Wealth Inequality Distorts Philanthropy and Imperils Democracy” examines the reality behind the ostensible charitableness of the billionaire donor class and the disturbing trend of charitable organizations and foundations relying more and more on fewer and fewer wealthy donors; funds which “end up in family foundations and donor-advised funds that co

Much of the $2.5 Trillion in Corporate “Overseas Cash” Is Already in the U.S.

How can you miss what never leaves town?by Gaius PubliusComing out of the season of merry and bright we'll be coming into the full blast of news about "what Trump will do." One thing he's going to do is drastically lower taxes on the wealthy and on corporations. Another thing he'll do is declare a "tax holiday" on corporate profit that's (so-called) "held overseas", the (so-called) "unrepatriated" pile of cash that extremely favorable U.S.

Not All Democrats Are The Same

Conservatives opposed Social Security and have been trying to undermine it since it was signed into law August 14, 1935, Right from the day it was proposed Republicans and conservative Democrats were howling at the moon that it was deepen unemployment-- their standard false argument against everything under the sun. The same crew also accused Social Security of being socialism-- since the words have many letters in common.

Tax Loopholes And DC's Most Disgraceful Revolving Door

Yesterday, Justin Amash celebrated Ronald Reagan's birthday with a tweet quoting his hero: "I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism." Far be it from me to lionize the right right-wing icon, but on the occasion of his 104th birthday, I found a not completely unrelated celebratory quote (above) from 1985. It could have come from a Barack Obama speech as easily as from a Ronald Reagan speech-- or, even more likely-- from a Bernie Sanders speech.

Will Illinois Elect A Sleazy Billionaire Sociopath As Governor? Meet Bruce Rauner

There is no way to shame a Republican. None of their selfish, narcissistic behavior ever seems to embarrass them. As Wall Street attorney Oliver Budde explained, "[O]ur ethos in a nutshell: grab every dollar you can, for as long as you can, using every scheme you can think of, and pay out to yourself and your cronies as much as you possibly can, as quickly as you can.

Too Many Millionaires In The Class War Against American Democracy?

No one likes the tax collector; no one ever has. But the anti-IRS hysteria generated by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Congress' richest (and most crooked) Member, was way beyond the ginned up Tea Party Scandal merited-- even by right wing standards of hollow victimology and martyrdom. But it was never very difficult to figure out why they worked so hard to undermine the IRS and delegitimize its authority-- and slash its budget.