Syrian conflict

The Syrian conflict is dragging on because of the West

Despite the good intentions and financial promises of the Brussels conference, a comprehensive solution to the Syrian crisis remains unachievable, as reported not only by Arab newspapers but also by much of the international media. It is pointed out that under the current conditions of the difficult Syrian situation, which is a detrimental consequence of […]

Syria: the path to conflict resolution is open

After more than a year of behind-the-scenes diplomacy, Syria’s membership in the Arab League of States (LAS) was finally restored when Arab foreign ministers reached a consensus on an issue that has been causing sharp divisions since the start of the Syrian crisis 12 years ago. On May 7, the Arab League’s foreign ministers adopted a […]
Сообщение Syria: the path to conflict resolution is open появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Russia is finding new solutions to the Syrian crisis

The destabilization of the military-political situation and the provoked civil war in Syria, which has been going on since March 2011, have become another consequence of the US regional policy of reformatting the Middle East region and establishing its own monopoly. The strategy of “controlled chaos” with the use of radical forces and internal political […]

Who is Obstructing the Syrian Settlement?

The Syrian issue has recently been increasingly highlighted in global media reports, indicating that the Middle Eastern Arab state is unfortunately becoming more and more a battleground for many countries, especially through the fault of the US, Israel and Turkey. Thus, against the backdrop of increasing energy shortages in the West, the Syrian news agency […]

Search for a Solution for Syria Intensifies

In recent months, the United States, Israel, Turkey and a number of other countries have attempted to take advantage of Russia’s distraction in a special operation to denazify Ukraine, in order to aggravate the situation in Syria and pursue their own military and strategic objectives in that country. Thus, the US is trying hard to […]

The Situation in Syria is Heating Up Again

It would seem that Syria is finally experiencing a period of relative calm after a protracted and debilitating war. Having defeated DAESH (banned in the Russian Federation) with the help of Russian partners, Syrian authorities hoped to focus on rebuilding the economy and infrastructure. The Syrian Constitutional Committee and the Syrian opposition resumed work in […]

Syria: Are There Ways to Resolve the Conflict?

In his briefing at the UN Security Council, the organization’s Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, proposed taking advantage of the relative halt in military hostilities in the country to bring together the main regional and international parties concerned. According to the official, this should be done for the sake of preliminary negotiations on confidence-building […]

Washington’s Assembly Line for Retraining Soldiers in Syria Isn’t Stopping

According to the Syrian news agency SANA, on September 19, US Air Force helicopters transported two new groups of militants to their base in Al-Shaddadah in Al-Hasakah Governorate, northeastern Syria, for retraining. There were about 60 people in total who had previously fought in the ranks of the terrorist group ISIS (banned in the Russian […]

Why is the UN Silent over Washington’s Plundering of Syria?

On Sunday, May 23, another American convoy of 86 trucks and many armored personnel carriers drove from Iraqi Kurdistan Territory to the northeastern province of Syria, Hasakah. The US vehicles passed through the US-controlled illegal border crossing of al-Walid and headed towards the Harab al-Jir military base in the Al-Yaarubiyah region of northeastern SAR.  The […]

Who is Responsible for the Rise of Terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria?

The fact that the United States uses terrorist organizations as mercenaries to advance its national interests around the world has long been no secret. Initially, the US, through its intelligence services, used al-Qaeda fighters (banned in Russia) to counter the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, destabilize the region, and overthrow legitimate governments. Then, when these plans […]