Syrian Civil Defense

Syria’s Grand Mufti: White Helmets Should Be Prosecuted for War Crimes

DAMASCUS, SYRIA — Syria’s Grand Mufti, the country’s highest religious official for practitioners of Sunni Islam, slammed Israel’s recent evacuations of members of the controversial “humanitarian” group, the White Helmets, and has called upon the Syrian and Russian governments to repatriate those evacuated and prosecute them for war crimes.

Israel Evacuated Alleged Mossad-Linked Rebel Commanders During “Humanitarian” White Helmet Rescue

DAMASCUS, SYRIA – Over the weekend, and as MintPress predicted last Tuesday, the controversial Western government-funded “humanitarian” group, the Syrian Civil Defense — popularly known as the White Helmets — were evacuated from southern Syria as the Syrian government continues to gain ground in its offensive throughout the country’s southwest.

“First Responder” White Helmets Reemerge as Experts in Defusing Explosives in Syria’s Afrin

DAMASCUS, SYRIA – After being banned by the Kurds in 2015, the White Helmets – the controversial “humanitarian” group that exclusively accompanies particular Western and Turkish-backed terrorist groups – have announced their return to the city of Afrin. The move follows the city’s takeover by the Turkish military and Turkish-backed rebels linked to terrorist groups, such as the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

James Le Mesurier: The Former British Mercenary Who Founded The White Helmets

British ex-mercenary, and founder of the White Helmets, James Le Mesurier, pictured in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo: Twitter/James Le Mesurier)
Over the past two years, enlightening information has been revealed that thoroughly and unequivocally debunks the “humanitarianism” of the White Helmets in Syria, sometimes referred to as the Syrian Civil Defense.