
Cholera outbreak kills scores in Yemen

Medical sources say that 115 people have died of cholera in the past two weeks, while thousands of children have been killed in the nearly two year conflict [Xinhua]
A cholera outbreak is sweeping through the Yemeni capital Sanaa, the Ministry of Health reported late Sunday.
“This declaration came after the cholera epidemic spreads across the capital’s districts and neighborhoods,” the health ministry said, adding that 115 people had died of the epidemic in the past two weeks alone with an additional 2,567 already infected.

Ortodox muslim förlöjligar vänstern

”Den muslim som säger att han verkligen tror på Miljöpartiets partiprogram är antingen en lögnare som ägnar sig åt taqiyya (förljugenhet) eller så är hans tro (iman) i farozonen.”Källa: höjdpunkter på sidan är följande: ”Eftersom många imamer och lärda är ekonomiskt beroende av bidrag och söker politiska allierade (muslimer eller icke-muslimer) så höjer de inte rösten mot vänste

Newly Declassified CIA Report Exposes Over 25 Years Of U.S. Plans To Destabilize Syria

Anti-Assad protesters burn a picture of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with ‘Corruption’ written across his face. (AP/Kostas Tsironis)
SYRIA — While the nearly seven-year-long sectarian “civil war” in Syria is widely believed to have started in 2011, revelations in recent years have shown that the sectarian war that has sunk Syria into chaos actually precedes the “official” start of the conflict.

Chilcot: ‘Damning’ critique of Blair Iraq policy

The report is sure to galvanize calls for Blair to be prosecuted at the International Criminal Court [Xinhua]
Sir John Chilcot, tasked with investigating the United Kingdom’s role in the build-up, invasion and occupation of Iraq, published his report today sending a damning indictment of Washington’s and London’s mishandling of intelligence and exaggerating the need for war.

Counteracting ‘Daesh’: Lessons from Paris

As Baghdad reels from a wave of suicide bombings claimed by Islamist extremists which have killed and wounded over 400 in the past week, there are lessons to be learned from how the media deals with these terror attacks – whether they are in the Middle East or in the heart of Europe.
Semantics and social media narratives are crucial battlegrounds in the war against terrorism.