
Maryland May Be the 1st State in the Nation to Ban Foam Food Containers

Maryland could become the first U.S. state to ban polystyrene foam containers after both chambers of the state legislature passed bills this month banning food containers from being made with the substance.
A conference committee will work out the differences between the 2 bills, according to Del. Brooke Lierman, the sponsor of the House of Delegates version.

Cheap, Tasty, and Harmful to Your Health: Ramen Noodles

Ramen noodles are cheap, easy to make, and they taste good, which is why so many college kids live on them in school. I know I did. You can buy a whole box of them for just a few bucks. Between instant noodles, Lucky Charms, and cappuccino, I ate like I had a death wish in college. And though indulging in the occasional cup of noodles won’t kill you, but living on them could shorten your life.

Edible Silverware Could Cut Down on Plastic Waste and Pollution

Know what would be really different? If you’re sitting around with friends enjoying dinner, and suddenly you start eating your knife and fork. Of course you can’t eat silver or plastic, but edible utensils do exist, and you might have seen them recently on Facebook.
A video of a guy biting into a spoon is making the rounds, and I’m a little ashamed to admit that instead of thinking about how much plastic would be kept out of landfills and oceans, I immediately wanted to get my hands on some so I could pull off the above dinner scenario.

IKEA may Nix Use of Environmentally-Destructive Styrofoam

Your future purchases from IKEA may come encased in packaging that could help feed your tomatoes or make the red in your roses a little bit deeper.
Source: SlideShare
IKEA is tossing around the idea of phasing out polystyrene and replacing it with mycelium packaging made by Evocative Design, which is both compostable and biodegradable. Mycelium is made from the root structure of mushrooms, plus agricultural waste like corn husks and stalks.