Steve Bannon

“Warrior” Steve Bannon arrested as Trump’s America is Crumbling

It often happens this way: extreme right-wingers, or call them ‘ultra-conservatives,’ either in the United States or Europe, suddenly fall from grace, after committing the most heinous crimes. Sometimes it is child abuse or sexual harassment, but most of the time, it is a corruption of tremendous proportions.
In theory, in their own theory, it is not supposed to be this way. Listen to the conservatives, and they will tell you that they are there in order to uphold law and order, as well as the traditional culture of their countries.

 “Warrior” Steve Bannon Arrested As Trump’s America Is Crumbling

It often happens this way: extreme right-wingers, or call them ‘ultra-conservatives,’ either in the United States or Europe, suddenly fall from grace, after committing the most heinous crimes. Sometimes it is child abuse or sexual harassment, but most of the time, it is a corruption of tremendous proportions. In theory, in their own theory, it is not supposed to be[Read More...]

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah2 miscreants, a few years and 100 pounds ago.But now it looks like Steve Bannon won't be speaking at the bigly tremendous Republican Goon Death & Swindle Fest this week, but, not to worry. He will be there in spirit. Who knows, maybe he'll just throw on a sheet and hood and blend in with the rest of the crowd. And fear not, there's a steady parade of other goons to behold and you still have time to tune in and watch some of them.

Steve Bannon and Brian Kolfage of the ‘We Build the Wall’ Campaign Arrested for Money Laundering

GoFundMe had "concerns" about Kolfage's plan to give $20-million directly to the US government instead of going through a non-profit organization, which would be required to make the donations tax deductible. Ultimately, with Bannon's help, the money was reallocated to a series of non-profits and shell companies.

Bannon Arrested For Scamming Dull-Witted Trump Supporters

Asked this morning by a reporter what this says about his judgment, Señor Trumpanzee replied. "Well, I have no idea."At one point when I was in high school, my family moved from the Kings Highway area (Madison High School) to the Sheepshead Bay area (Lincoln High School-- before Sheepshead Bay High was built). My transfer from Madison to Lincoln lasted one day.