Stefan Molyneux

MUST SEE video explains the entire “17 Intelligence Agencies” Russian hacking lie

Yesterday The Duran reported that the New York Times was finally forced to admit that the “17 US intelligence agencies” narrative is completely made up fake news.
The “17 Intelligence Agencies” Russian hacking narrative was the core foundation for which the entire Trump-Russia collusion/cooperation/connection was built upon.

JaysAnalysis: Stefan Molyneux & the Cult of “Reason” Dismantled (Half)

After numerous requests to deconstruct Stefan Molyneux and his popular online philosophy talks, I have acquiesced. This talk will also apply to the whole cadre of Internet atheists, from the anarchists to the Dawkinites. In this first free two hours, I show how his very philosophy is what led to the “collapse of western civilization” he constantly touts.

The Bridge with Kira: Alt-media cults and more

Tom Secker and I had the great pleasure of joining Kira Young on her radio show The Bridge.  This time around we continued our discussion of cults by focusing on  those within the alt-media.  We took at a look at how and why cults seem to flourish within the alt-media, with a particular focus on the role that the Internet plays in reaching out to potential members.

Trans Resister Radio ep. 124 Scientology and other Cults

From Age of Transitions:
In this interview Pearse Redmond shares some of his research and thoughts on Scientology and cults in general. What is a destructive cult, and why would anyone join one in the first place? A better question might be: what pseudo-cults have I, myself been involved in, and to what extent? Human nature is ours, but it is also the Garden from which the guru attempts to pick Forbidden Fruit.