states rights

Red State Governors Stand with Texas Against Biden Regime Over Border Crisis

Gov. Abbott declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. He said that authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary, Democrats are urging Biden to seize control over the Texas National Guard.

Trump Returns 2 Million Acres of Land Under Federal Control to Utah

Trump cut the size of ​national monuments in​ Utah, removing federal restrictions against development of two million acres of land. Supporters chanted “four more years!”, while demonstrators complained that it was a sell-out to industrial interests who want to destroy the land for profit. [In truth, industrial interests have been destroying the land for profit with the approval of federal agencies for many years.

Honolulu Police Demand Medical Marijuana Cardholders Turn In Their Guns

In August 2016, the US Court of Appeals ruled that it is Constitutional to ban gun ownership from marijuana users, not because they are considered to be incapable of safely possessing guns, but because the plant remains illegal at the federal level. This is due to a Hawaii statute that makes it illegal to own a firearm if it is forbidden by federal law - another case of states voluntarily surrendering their sovereign rights to the federal government. [...]

Why So Many Films are Shot in Georgia Rather than Hollywood

Taxes are a price, or a penalty levied on production. In that case it's no coincidence that so many movies are nowadays shot in Georgia. Hollywood’s best and brightest seek the lowest tax price (or better yet, the best tax incentive) to maximize profits in an industry defined by shrinking margins. The Peach State is very competitive on the tax front. 

The States Should Decide Who Gets a Visa

One-size-fits-all migration laws don't work. Federalism allows states to experiment with education, welfare, and drug policies with great success. States try their hand at regulating economic visas too. The federal government could be in charge of security checks, while the state identifies the migrant and regulates their activity within its own state.

What Future Does Legal Marijuana Have Under a Trump Presidency?

Marijuana legalization won out big time on election day. California, Massachusetts, and Nevada legalized recreational weed, and Arkansas, Florida, Montana, and North Dakota voted to legalize medical marijuana. Some form of pot use is now legal in the majority of U.S. states, but what will marijuana legalization efforts look like under a Trump presidency?
Source: Marijuana Policy Project