Staff Picks

Ron Paul tells President Trump to back off of Assange, and stop being such a “hypocrite”

US President Trump’s latest, and perhaps greatest pivot comes at the expense of press freedom, and Julian Assange’s freedom.
From “l love Wikileaks” as a US presidential candidate, to “I hate Wikileaks” as President…Trump is in danger of alienating more of his hardcore base, already disillusioned with the POTUS’ myriad of campaign promises turned presidential lies.

New Census Bureau study shows that 1 in 3 millennials currently live with mom and dad (Chart)

new study from the Census Bureau shows how the American household is changing.
The latest household survey data results show that more millennials are living at home with their moms today, than any other living arrangement in the United States.
Zerohedge reports breaks down the main key takeaways from the survey…

4 French presidential candidates who will grant asylum to Assange and Snowden should they win

As the United States and the Trump Administration make moves to arrest Assange, a handful of candidates, vying to lead France in the upcoming French Presidential elections, have vowed to give Assange and Snowden asylum and even French citizenship.
If any of these 4 candidates does win the French election, then it would be very interesting to see if they follow through on their pledge, and how this will infuriate the US deep state as it continues to hunt for the scalps of Assange and Snowden.

President Trump is now bombing in Somalia. Can you guess why?

BP is interested in Somalia’s vast oil deposits off the Somalia coast in the Indian Ocean.
The United States notes that it is ramping military activity in the poor African nation because of the need to fight Al Qaeda – ISIS “affiliated” Al Shabaab.
Fund ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria to remove Assad and get a Saudi/Qatari pipeline through the Middle East state.
Bomb Al Qaeda – ISIS “affiliated” Al Shabaab in Somalia to lay claim to large oil reserves.

Dear Washington: the era of the false flag attack is now over

Not so long ago, using the term “false flag” immediately marked you as a “conspiracy theorist,” – basically a nutcase not in touch with reality. Supposedly.
In case anybody still doesn’t know, a “false flag [attack/event]” is an incident perpetrated by one party (usually a state) either against itself or someone else, while making it appear that a third party is to blame.

Paul Craig Roberts: “A new White House Fool has replaced the old fool”

Rex Tillerson’s recent trip to Moscow, amidst a ramp up in tensions between the US and Russia over Trump’s illegal missile strike on Syria, was seen by many analysts as a failed attempt by the Trump White House to deliver ultimatums to a Russia committed to defeating ISIS, and preventing Syria from failing under ISIS-Al Qaeda control.

Russia will build ‘Storm’ supercarriers to challenge US naval supremacy (VIDEO)

The unchallenged reign of the US Navy on the high seas may be drawing to a close.
Russia has plans to build a new class of supercarrier which will be able to challenge the US navy’s Nimitz and Gerald Ford class carriers.
The “Storm” (or Shtorm) class supercarrier, also called Project 23000E, is being planned by Russia to be comparable to the Gerald Ford class, will be nuclear powered, and carry around 90 combat aircraft.

Ann Coulter blasts Trump’s push for war in Syria: “Rebels behind chemical attack” (Video)

Radio host Joyce Kaufman had Ann Coulter on her show to discuss Trump’s recent interest to remove Assad from power in Syria.
Coulter said that she does not believe Assad used chemical weapons, and suspects that “moderate rebels” (aka ISIS and Al Qaeda) were behind the incident, which has yet to be independently investigated.
Coulter noted that even if Assad did use chemical weapons, it is no excuse to start another “pointless war”…

Ed Snowden: Afghan bunker ‘MOAB’ bomb destroyed was built by CIA

The media is awash with enthusiastic reports that the US military has employed the largest conventional bomb ever designed, the Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb or “MOAB” (18,000 lbs. of explosive, 22,000 lbs. total weight) on a cave-bunker complex in near Tora Bora in Afghanistan – the same place Osama bin Laden was supposedly hiding not long after 9-11.
The US says the complex was being used by ISIS.