Staff Picks

China calls US bluff on North Korea – again

The North Korean crisis took a further twist on Monday with a significant climbdown by the US at the UN Security Council and a further diplomatic victory by China.
This is not being widely reported in the West though some sections of the Western media have  reported that the final draft of the Resolution that was voted on by the UN Security Council was ‘watered down’ by comparison with an earlier draft of the Resolution presented to the UN Security Council by the US because of Chinese and Russian pressure.

North Korea’s Hwasong-14: a ‘made in Ukraine’ propaganda missile?

Almost unnoticed amidst the tidal wave of publicity around the events in Charlottesville, Virginia a fascinating report on the North Korean missile programme by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has gone by practically unnoticed.
The report’s conclusions differ sharply from those made public recently in the US, and which have been attributed to the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Russophobes will cry: Sheriff Trump lays down the law to Brussels Eurocrats

Fresh off his meeting in the Vatican, where the Trump women annoyed the liberal modernist pope by dressing far too catholic, Donald Trump arrived in Brussels for a showdown with the bought and paid for career Eurocrats expecting him to carry on the trans-atlanticist flame and keep open the US money spigots filling their troughs.

In 2017, every nine days a terror attack is attempted in Europe (Chart)

Earlier today The Duran reported on a BBC host speaking to MSNBC on the Manchester bombing, telling her US host that “Europe is getting used to attacks, we have to.”
This graph proves her point. Terror attacks in Europe are coming awfully close to becoming a daily occurrence, and Europeans are becoming conditioned to accept this fact.
In a neo-liberal European Union, tolerance trumps safety.

A young Barack Obama dreamed of becoming as successful as Donald Trump

Barack Obama may speak ill of President Donald Trump every chance he gets, but a younger Obama was an admirer of Trump and his American success story.
In 1991, 29-year-old Harvard Law School graduate, who later would become POTUS Obama, wrote a paper with his friend Robert Fisher called “Race and Rights Rhetoric.”
Barack Obama described his idea of the average American’s mindset in this one sentence…

“I may not be Donald Trump now, but just you wait; if I don’t make it, my children will.”

Newly released UN “Nazi Holocaust archives” show US & UK colluded with Third Reich to destroy Soviet Union

As Victory Day (May 9) approaches in Russia to commemorate the defeat of Hitler’s Nazi army, new United Nations archives from the Second World War-era war crimes commission investigating the Nazi Holocaust have finally been released, amid protests from the US and UK. Why?
The archives “damningly” show state collusion between the US, UK, and the Third Reich. The end goal between their collusion was not to end the Nazi Holocaust, but to defeat Soviet Union.

The European Union’s stunning unemployment rates in one chart

Eurostat’s official EU unemployment rate 2016. The north – south divide is clear.
The European Union is anything but a union, and with some EU countries registering over a 17% unemployment rate, coupled with back breaking debt and endless austerity we wonder how much longer such a “union” can remain viable.

Finals unemployment numbers for February 2017 show no sign of improvement.

Wild boars attack ISIS base in Iraq, killing three jihadists

Wild boars are joining the fight against ISIS, and doing a good job killing the US-Saudi backed jihadists.
Somewhere in America John McCain is pissed off to see wild boars defeat his ISIS army.
Reports are coming in that wild boars attacked an ISIS base in the al-Rashad region of Kirkuk late Sunday.
According to IraqiNews, three members of ISIS were left dead by the boar attack.