sports drinks

New Organic Gatorade is Still Loaded with Sugar – Organic Sugar

Gatorade has a new organic line of its energy drinks, and if you have no idea what it means, let me explain: the array of sugar-laden sports drinks are still loaded with sugar, but that sugar is organic now. It’s not made with organic fruit or anything like that, sorry. [1]
Top Pepsi Co. executives have been talking about introducing an organic line of Gatorade for almost a year, and are now ready to roll out what is called “G Organic.”

Do You Agree with Soda Taxes? Sugar Consumption Down in Berkeley Due to the Measure

You might love the idea of a soda tax or hate it, but for better or worse, the tax is being instituted around the country. A new analysis released by researchers at UC Berkeley shows that Berkeley’s soda tax seems to be working
Kristine Madsen and her colleagues surveyed people in low-income communities before and after the tax was voted for in 2014, making Berkeley the first California city to impose a 1 cent-per-ounce tax on sugary drinks. [1]
Madsen said: