Space X

Porkins Policy Radio episode 151 Trump-Putin Summit and Super Villain Elon Musk

In the first hour JP Sottile joins me to break down the recent Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki. We start off with Trump’s recent reversal on comments he made stating that Russia didn’t interfere with the election. JP and I then get into the press conference itself and pick apart some of the major takeaways. JP talks about Bill Browder and Putin’s allegations about him and Hillary Clinton. We also talk about the strange “dry mouth” that Trump appeared to have during the presser and explore Trump’s possible health problems.

Geophysicists: Earth’s Magnetic Poles Could Be About to Flip

(ANTIMEDIA) Life on Earth would likely not exist without the geomagnetic field that encases the planet. The product of iron convection churning deep within the planet’s outer core, the magnetosphere creates a literal force field that prevents solar winds from breaking down our atmosphere and allowing radioactive particles to besiege the surface.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 72 Member South Park Season 20 with Emma Redmond

Today I am joined by my sister Emma to discuss and dissect season 20 of South Park. We begin by explaining what transpired this season: Mr. Garrison becoming President, Cartman falling love, gender wars, and the dangers of internet trolling. We begin by talking about the “Member Berries” and their devious plot to use the power of nostalgia to elect the Trump like Mr. Garrison. Emma and I discuss the power that nostalgia can have on ones psyche, and how we are constantly manipulated into following certain trends because of it.