southern border

The Ochelli Effect – Interactions Between Organisms

We speak in the first hour with long-time-listener Regular Joe. It is somewhat troublesome to attempt a conversation with a Trump supporter. Joe and family go to the dentist and find that families are strangers next to each other. It is often a good thing to unplug. Joe also gives tips on how to avoid a pointless conversation feedback loop. Social media may be video games designed for people with no skills.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 147 Ed Opperman on IG Report, Roger Stone, and Child Detention Centers

This week Ed Opperman joins us for a wide ranging discussion on some of the most pressing issues of the past few weeks. We start off by discussing the recent IG Report and the way that Trump supporters and the media have covered the story. Ed and I then dive into Roger Stone and his continual legal downward spiral. We also touch on Dennis Hoff, Scott Thorson, and Heidi Fleiss.