South Dakota

Keystone Pipeline Spills 210K Gallons of Oil in South Dakota

AMHERST, S.D. (AP)  TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone pipeline leaked an estimated 210,000 gallons of oil onto agricultural land in northeastern South Dakota, the company and state regulators said Thursday, but state officials don’t believe the leak polluted any surface water bodies or drinking water systems.
Crews shut down the pipeline Thursday morning and activated emergency response procedures after a drop in pressure was detected resulting from the leak south of a pump station in Marshall County, TransCanada said in a statement. The cause was being investigated.

South Dakota CPS Force Catheter into 3-year-old Boy’s Penis in Search of Illegal Drugs

The American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter to the Department of Social Services in South Dakota last week demanding they stop catheterizing children in order to conduct warrantless drug tests, carried out by the department with the assistance of police and hospital staff.
They’re also requesting the department’s written policy regarding the catheterization and searches of children.

“Vandals” Take Blowtorch to DAPL Just Days Before It Goes Operational

(ANTIMEDIA) South Dakota — The battle was lost, but apparently the war continues on for water protectors who are still trying to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).
The Associated Press is reporting that suspected vandals, possibly individuals from the #NoDAPL campaign, have burned a hole in the side of the pipeline with what appears to have been a blowtorch.

Former South Dakota Teenage Republican Of The Year-- Is Now The State Legislator Molesting Interns

Heading into the elections in November, the Democrats held 8 of the 35 seats in the South Dakota state Senate. On November 8, they held 6 seats (and none of the 6 had been contested by the GOP). And of the 70 members of the state House, only 10 are Democrats. Every statewide elected official is a Republican and the 3 members of South Dakota's congressional delegation are also Republicans. Trump beat Hillary 227,721 (61.5%) to 117,458 (31.7%). In 2012 Romney won the state, but Obama did far better than Clinton, having taken 144,988 votes (40%).