
Thanks to Brandon Snider for Upgrading this Blog & Website

Hearty thanks to Brandon J. Snider for upgrading my blog and my website. Brandon is a WordPress/Centos virtuoso and is also patient with a customer whose tech savvy might best be described as “rustic.”
Brandon also masterminds the blog for a well-known libertarian professor.
If you’re looking for a astute I.T. guy who can help set up or manage a blog, I highly recommend Brandon. His email address is

FBI Admits Clinton Used Software Designed To “Prevent Recovery” And “Hide Traces Of” Deleted Emails

(ZHESouth Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News today and disclosed new details about the Clinton email scandal that seem to indicate intent to destroy evidence.  Per the clip below, Gowdy reveals that Clinton used “BleachBit” to erase the “personal” emails from her priva

One Unabomber Moment Away from Sanity in a Part-time Snippet World

It’s been a bit of a gap week or two, since pining in with this sort of catharsis,  but some of us schmucks have to make some really lousy money and attend to some really rotten job hunting in a time of pure delusion, all the while that white noise buzzing, the white static noise of the mush of NPR and mainstream mindlessness and the BS of labor stats and economists who deserve what the SEALs and Obama said what happened to Osama (right, US punk prez, directs US amped-up murder incorporated to shoot to kill, ask no questions later, I don’t need no stinking badge, and then burial at sea, hea