
Smartphone photo : quels sont les meilleurs modèles ?

Si certes les appareils photo continuent de plaire de par leur qualité professionnelle, les smartphones photo sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus plébiscités. Effectivement, là où les appareils photo se concentrent exclusivement sur le fait de prendre des photos et des vidéos, le smartphone photo est capable de le faire… en plus de proposer toutes les fonctionnalités classiques d’un smartphone !

Smartphone pas cher : guide d’achat

L’arrivée des smartphones a provoqué un véritable bouleversement du téléphone : servant de base à envoyer des messages et à passer des appels, voire à prendre des photos, le téléphone a depuis bien évolué pour devenir un véritable outil du quotidien. L’apport d’Internet et des applications est sans conteste ; mais un principal reproche adressé aux smartphones concerne le prix, souvent élevé. C’est pourquoi de nombreux constructeurs se sont placés sur ce créneau.

Smartphone, Smartness And Stupidity

A new research by scientists at the San Diego State University finds, to put it briefly, a correlation between over-use of Smartphone and teens’ increased unhappiness. All major news providers have prominently presented the news of the study. Overall finding of the study annoys all parents, guardians and responsible citizens. It’s not the only study that finds such annoying facts[Read More...]

Don’t Kill Yourself – or get Someone Killed – Playing Pokemon Go

Until a couple of days ago, I’d never heard of Pokemon Go. Now I can’t get away from the smartphone game, released July 6, but I haven’t played it, and I’m still trying to figure out exactly what it is. I feel old admitting it, but I had to look it up online for an explanation. Though if you have kids, you probably know more than I do.

New Smartphone Game Could Help Doctors Diagnose Dementia

There are games and apps for smartphones that claim to be able to help users sleep, eat properly, and train their brains, many of which have been disproven. But it appears that a new game on the iOS and Android market could help doctors diagnose patients with dementia.
Sea Hero Quest is the game, and it requires players to navigate courses to find pieces of a missing map. You must locate precious artifacts – in this case, memories – by collecting them from different locations all around the world.