smart city

The Rise of the Terminally Online

Americans, rich or poor, now live in a culture entirely perceived through simulacra-media images and illusions. We live inside a self-referential media hologram of a nation that has not existed for quite some time now. Our national reality is held together by images, the originals of which have been lost or never existed. The well-off […]
The post The Rise of the Terminally Online first appeared on Dissident Voice.

No-Go Zone: Big-Tech 'Smart' Nations & Warrantless Surveillance

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover some of the latest news and events in episode 52 of No-Go Zone.
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Secretive HHS AI Platform to Predict US Covid-19 Outbreaks Weeks in Advance

A new AI-powered module known as HHS Vision has been added to the controversial and secretive HHS Protect system for amassing data related to Covid-19. By year’s end, this opaque, yet increasingly influential, system is set to predict Covid-19 outbreaks without traditional testing.
Episode page for Secretive HHS AI Platform to Predict US Covid-19 Outbreaks Weeks in Advance.

CV & the Economic Scam / Cashless Grid

Many are under the impression evil geniuses don’t exist, and we suffer under the omnipotence of “government incompetence.” In fact, the evil geniuses actually do float around on giant yachts like Bond villains. In this video I discuss the real essence of the present event, which is economic in nature. It’s about the revolution of the economics in essence.