Simon and Garfunkel

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah#4 in the series: The Loser President.I've been thinking of the second verse of Simon & Garfunkel's Fakin' It lately. Having seen so many complete bozos in suits in my years in the corporate world, the song often came to mind. I couldn't see them walking through the corridors without imagining them singing the song to themselves. Of course, they never actually were.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI haven't used a clip for The Midnight Meme Of The Day in a long time but I loved this parody of Simon And Garfunkel's classic "The Sound Of Silence." Satire is satire and parody is parody, but both can mirror the truth when done right. So I give you "Confounds The Science." Enjoy. It's the weekend.Oh, and, send this clip to a Republican (if you have the misfortune of knowing one).

Why Simon And Garfunkel Agreed To Let Bernie Use Their Iconic Song For His Ad

Friday, Bernie's campaign started using the Simon and Garfunkel ad in New Hampshire and Iowa. The song is iconic and so is the minute-long ad. The former right-wing Republican operative the Clinton campaign uses as an attack dog, David Brock, one of the sleaziest and most dishonest players in American politics, is claiming to the media that ad is racist for not including enough people of color and said "From this ad it seems black lives don't matter much to Bernie Sanders." It's exactly the kind of response you would expect from a Republican.