Sibel Edmonds Column

BFP Update: Our New Partners, Video-Podcast Shows & Exclusive Report-Analysis Series

BFP Welcomes SpyCulture’s Tom Secker, PorkinsPolicy’s Pearse Redmond & Journalist-Analyst Erik Moshe
We are entering an exciting new phase here at Boiling Frogs Post. I launched this website with a firm commitment to becoming a network of truly independent authors, analysts and producers to serve the community of critical-thinking irate minorities-those who we know we can depend on for moving towards needed changes; those who truly count: ‘You.’

BFP Quarterly Support Drive

Please Take a Stand & Make a Statement by Supporting a Real Alternative
Dear Friends and Supporters:
Boiling Frogs Post is an information site completely independent from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors, partisan agenda drivers or deep-pocket advertisers. Our stellar team of producers and independent analysts has been providing you untainted, bold, independent and nonpartisan facts, exposés, reports and discussions through original video reports, podcast shows, daring commentaries, editorial cartoons, articles and analyses.

The Lone Gladio- Operation Gladio B: NATO-CIA-MI6 Recipe for Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chessboard

James Corbett Interviewed by Jim Hogue on “The Lone Gladio”
Tune in to this extraordinary interview. James Corbett discusses The Lone Gladio, and provides an incredible analysis of the Deep State, Shadow Government, Operation Gladio B, Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chessboard, the New Cold War, Synthetic Terrorism, Perpetual Wars and much more!
Many thanks to the informed and articulate host, Jim Hogue, for providing this forum to inform and induce needed critical thinking!