shutting down the government

Public Sentiment Against Trump's Government Shutdown Grows-- But So Does Anxiety From Freshmen In The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

First Dem (New Dem) who wants to give in to Trump's blackmail & hostage-takingOver the weekend, the Wall Street Journal published a piece by Natalie Andrews and Kristina Peterson, Wall Impasse Frustrates Many Newly Elected House Democrats, about how the conservaDem freshmen recruited and backed by the DCCC are m

Who's To Blame When Parties Really Get Out Of Hand?

This morning, ABC News and the Washington Post released a new national poll that should serve as a warning for congressional Republicans: voters blame them (and Trump of course) for the shutdown and are very much not buying the national emergency bullshit. And by a wide enough margin to signal it could be electorally relevant. In short, "53% say Trump and the Republicans are mainly at fault, and 29% blame the Democrats in Congress.

Will Closing The Border Lead To Trump's Impeachment?

Saluda al Jefe!Republican Will Hurd's recent reelection wasn't exactly overwhelming. In the end, he beat a very weak Democratic opponent 103,285 (49.2%) to 102,359 (48.7%) in an R+1 district where Hillary beat Trump 49.8% to 46.4%. The district has-- by far-- the longest border with Mexico (over 800 miles) of any district in America.