Shimon Peres

Porkins Polcy Review episode 141 Exploitation of trauma and neocon psychology with Yuval Laor

This week I am joined by Yuval Laor of the Open Minds Foundation, and one of my co-hosts for Open Minds On Air. We discuss the neoconservative movement, the exploitation of trauma, and Israel. Yuval and I start off the conversation with the breaking news that Donald Trump has decided to pull the US out the Iran Nuclear Deal. We talk about what this means for America and the prospect of war with Iran. Yuval gives us his perspective of this as an Israeli-American, and how the public within Israel is reacting to the news.

Canada’s Political Parties Enable Israel’s Oppression of Palestinians

How can you identify a Canadian Liberal? They talk to the left, but walk to the right.
Under Justin Trudeau “Canada is back” to isolating itself from world opinion on Palestinian rights.
On Monday Canada joined the US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Federated States of Micronesia and Palau in opposing a UN Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee resolution in support of Palestinian self determination.

Odeh exposes the Myth of Peres and Israel’s “Peace Camp”

As world leaders congregated in Jerusalem last weekend to eulogise Shimon Peres as a “great peacemaker”, the peace camp of which he was the figurehead went to war against its main Palestinian partner in Israel.
Ayman Odeh, head of the only Jewish-Arab party in the Israeli legislature, is the most prominent representative of Israel’s 1.7 million Palestinian citizens. He also serves as chairman of a coalition called the Joint List, formed with other Palestinian parties, that is now the third largest in parliament.

Shimon Peres – Obituary of a Peace Politician

By Ludwig Watzal | American Herald Tribune | September 29, 2016 “De mortuis nil nisi bene” is commonly translated in English with “Speak no ill of the dead”. The headlines of German obituaries on Shimon Peres outbid themselves in adulation. President Obama, however, outbid even the Germans. He praised Peres without irony as “a champion […]

Entretien avec Roland Dumas et Charles Onana, à propos du livre « Palestine, le malaise français »

L’écrivain et journaliste Charles Onana vient de publier aux éditions Duboiris le livre « Palestine, le malaise français », une enquête minutieuse qui traite des relations complexes entre la France et Israël, et notamment de l’influence sioniste sur le milieux politique français, et ce avant-même la création de l’état d’Israël en 1948.