Seth Moulton

The Republican Party Failed To Defeat Pelosi-- So Now The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Will Give It A Shot

The Republican wing of the Democratic Party wants to replace Pelosi with someone far to her right. The Wall Street-financed New Dems are behind the big anti-Pelosi push. Late this afternoon, HuffPo released the signatories to a letter pledging not to support her for Speaker, primarily a real garbage heap of Democraps. I'd love to see Pelosi replaced... but not by a New Dem of Blue Dog. This is the list (the worst of the plotters are bolded):

The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Is Still Alive And Kicking

Hillary's campaign team has been relentless-- even ruthless-- in getting endorsements (and commitments from Super-Delegates). One relatively high-up party official, currently running for office, told me his neutral stance turned into a Hillary endorsement and commitment because of the ceaseless barrage of annoying calls... and implicit threats. Another told me his decision to stay neutral had turned into an endorsement of Bernie when he got sick of the pressure.

Weirdly Mixed Night For Gay Republicans

There aren't going to be all that many Democratic freshmen next year. Seth Moulton's win in MA-06 yesterday was one of the bright spots. The district is the northeast corner of the state where the 495 and the 95 join up and head up into New Hampshire. It starts in the Boston's northern outer suburbs-- Lynn, Saugus, Wakefield, Burlington and Bedford and shoots north to Salem, Gloucester, Ipswich, Newbury and Merrimac. It's been John Tierney's district since 1997 but Moulton beat him in a primary on September 9.