Serzh Sargsyan

Former President of Armenia arrested

Former Armenian President Robert Kocharyan was arrested on Friday on charges of ‘overthrowing the constitutional order of Armenia’, which is being alleged by the Special Investigation Service. The SIS submitted a petition to the Primary Court of General Jurisdiction requesting Kocharyan’s detention as a preventive measure to head him off as a flight risk. The Secretary-General of the Collective Security (CSTO), Colonel-General Yuri Khachaturov, has also been charged with ‘overthrowing the constitutional order of Armenia’.

Georgian protesters demand PM’s resignation

Following the deaths of two teens in a brawl, protesters have taken to the streets of Tblisi to demand that the Prime Minister, Georgy Kvirikashvili, and chief prosecutor, Irakly Shotadze leave office.
The protests are led by the father of one of the deceased teens who is pledging to stay camped outside the Parliament building until his demands are met, which includes the resignation of the Prime Minister and his cabinet.
TASS reports:

Western-Backed Regime Change Looms As Armenia PM Resigns Following Mass Protests

After 11 days of mass protests and violent clashes over the perceived power-grab following the outgoing Armenian President’s election to Prime Minister, Serzh Sargsyan has resigned and police have released opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan.

The people are against my rule,” Sargsyan, who took office as prime minister after serving as Armenia’s president for 10 years, said in a statement.
I am leaving my post.”

BREAKING: Armenian PM resigns amid MASSIVE opposition protests

“I address you for the last time as a head of state. Nikol Pashinyan was right. I made a mistake. In this situation, there are several solutions, but I will not resort to any of them. That’s not my thing. I abandon the post of the head of our country,” Serzh Sargsyan said as quoted by his press service.
Nikol Pashinyan, the opposition leader, was released earlier today after he had been detained on Sunday after failing to reach any deal in brief talks with Sargsyan, who called for a dialogue between the government and opposition.