sergei lavrov

Lavrov: A New World Order Is Replacing A Globalist World Order (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine Sergey Lavrov’s recent statements at an annual meeting with students and professors, where the Russian Foreign Minister noted that a ‘New World Order’ is being formed out of reaction to ‘blackmail and pressure’ from the existing globalist, centralized world order.
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Putin Meets Lavrov and Shoigu; Responds to US Withdrawal from INF Treaty

This is the official transcript of the meeting between the Russian President and Russia’s Foreign and Defense Ministers published by the Kremlin’s website.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, please provide an update on the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, and the disarmament dossier in general. What is going on in terms of limitation of offensive arms?
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov: Mr President,

Putin breaks the ice with Bolton, “Has the eagle eaten all the olives?” (Video)

US national security adviser John Bolton was in Moscow meeting with Russian officials and President Vladimir Putin, for what was sure to be a very comprehensive and contentious couple of days, but in a sign of a possible thaw, in what has become a second cold war, Putin and Bolton traded some good spirited jokes with one another.
Putin commented to Bolton in a meeting on Tuesday…

“As far as I remember, the US coat of arms features a bald eagle that holds 13 arrows in one talon and an olive branch in another, which is a symbol of a peace-loving policy.”

Lavrov: Moscow will know of the military plans of the US and Western allies before they even happen

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in a speech at the Klyazma River National Educational Youth Forum, indicated Russia is well apprised of the military situation of both American and its Western allies. He noted that Russia is prepared for any security challenge, and assured that the Russian defensive capacity is competent to handle it. Meanwhile, the United States and Western European powers are attempting to make an enemy out of Russia over allegations of meddling, hacking, etc.

Merkel takes heat for secret meeting with Russian officials

Merkel held a secret meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and head Russian staff general Valery Gerasimov, who was barred from entry by sanctions imposed in 2014 over the Crimean issue. As far as what Merkel let on, the meeting covered the conflict in the Middle East, specifically Syria, and the conflict in the Ukraine. But German opposition parties are not taking Merkel’s tight lipped position on the specific details of what was discussed on these issues sitting down. They want to know what was discussed, and why the meeting was not announced.