Second Amendment

Twitter Bans Bitchute Links & The Matrix 'Trans Metaphor' - FF Ep88

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest absurd news. From Twitter censoring BitChute to Covid-1984. We also talk about The Matrix, the movie, which now is said to be a metaphor for transgenderism, by the (now) fully transitioned directors Larry and Andy Wachowski. Don't miss this highly entertaining show.

Washington State Police Chief Ousted After Praising Armed Citizens Who Gathered to Block Rioters

Snohomish Police Chief Keith Rogers was demoted because of his praise for several hundred armed citizens who gathered to protect the town from rioters and looters. Rogers said it was 'festive' and there was an outcry on the Internet from those who support the revolutionaries posing as demonstrators.

West Virginia Invites 2nd-Amendment Sanctuary Counties from Neighboring Virginia to Secede And Join Their State

In order to join West Virginia, the consent of Virginia's Legislature and of a majority of the qualified voters is needed. West Virginia promised that if Virginia joins them, their firearms rights shall be protected to the fullest extent possible under their Federal and State Constitution.

Matthew Bracken - Pro 2nd Amendment Protest in Richmond, VA: Proceed With Caution

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik is joined by former navy SEAL Matt Bracken to discuss the upcoming Pro 2nd Amendment Protest in Richmond, Virginia. Likelihood is that Intelligence services will hijack the event just like they did during the Charlottesville protest in 2017. We talk about possible scenarios, what to prepare for and how things might play out.